Samus' #1 Fan - Metroid
Clara Lille Getting Her Fill - Watch Dogs
Nectar of the Gods - Roman Mythology
New Zero Suit Features - Metroid
Be My Gameboy - Super Mario
Happy Ending Prelude - Soulcalibur
2b's Quarantining You - NieR: Automata
Movies and Chill - d. or Alive
Just Sushi and Drinks - Mass Effect
Raiding with Ayane - DoA
Bang Away in Purgatorio - Bayonetta
Edging in the Cold - League of Legends
Save Her Ass - NieR: Automata
Overwatch - At-Home Squire
Park Service - DC Comics
Widowmaker on Top - Overwatch
Tricks Put to Good Use - Star Wars
Bouncy Boobie Spell - World of Warcraft
Survivor Rescued - Resident Evil