Juliana Paes in Dois Irmaos in s01e02 2017
Lesley in Anne Down in The Betsy 1978
Geraldine Chaplin in Welcome to L.A 1977
Emmanuelle Beart amour Douce 1985
Linnea Quigley in Night the Demons 1988
Céline Sallette Les Rois Monde 2015
Diane Rouxel Fou Amour 2015
Emmanuelle Bercot in King 2015
Kate Moran in in s01e04 2016
Lulu Wilson in s. Party Massacre III 1990
Kristin Lehman in G-Spot 2005-2006
Jessica Brown Findlay in Albatross 2011
Natalie Dormer in The Tudors 2007-2011
Lina Esco in Flaked 2016
Scarlett Johansson in Lucy 2015