Bojana Novakovic in Shameless 2010-2016
Rachel Weisz Scarlet and Black S01E04 1993
Isild Besco in The New Girlfriend 2014
Tilda Swinton in I Am Love 2009
Lina Romay and Monica Swinn Die Marquise von Sade 1976
Jennifer Lopez in The Boy Next Door 2015
Laura Hippe and Brandy Wilde Stay Hungry 1976
Lady Gaga in American Horror Story 2011-2016
Peta Sergeant and Alison Whyte Satisfaction S01E05 2007
Mundo Perro - 2008 - Película completa en Español - Salma De Nora, Dunia Montenegro, Lesly Kiss, Natalia Zeta, Dora Venter, Melissa Black, Sandra G, Anneke Duran, Diana Doll, Priva, Sophie Evans, Lady Mai, Priscilla Pratz, Sarah Twain
Jessica Ellen in Justica in s01e03 2016
Susan George in The House Where Evil Dwells 1982
Olivia Joof Lewerissa Mathilde Passer Mie Gren Eliten 2015
Ella Becroft and Uncredited Actress - Roman Empire - Reign Of b. - s01e02 - 2
Amanda Seyfried in Lovelace 2013
Virginia Wetherell in A Clockwork Orange 1971
Cruz López-Cortón - Miss Brackets, the b.-sitter, the Bastard
Diane Rouxel The Smell 2014
Theresa Lynn Private Parts 1997