Isabelle Adjani ete Meurtrier 1984
Jennifer Esposito in Crash 2004
Malgorzata Werner Nic Smiesznego 1995
Jennifer Aniston in The Break-Up 2006
Kate Moran in in s01e04 2016
Lulu Wilson in s. Party Massacre III 1990
Diane Rouxel Fou Amour 2015
Gina Gershon in Showgirls 1995
Karen Russell in m. Weapon 1990
Lindsay Armaou The Smoke 2014
Lea Wiazemsky Eden A Louest 2009
Sonya Cullingford in The Danish Girl 2015
Eeva Soivio Punainen Kolmio S01E03 2015
Sissy Spacek in Welcome to L.A 1977
Rosanna Arquette in The Big Blue 1989
Sheila Goold in A Bit Bad Luck 2014